Simplify your workflow with ENVI-met 4.4.6

We are pleased to announce the release of ENVI-met V 4.4.6. Even though this is primarily a maintenance release, numerous updates, improvements and advancements are included.

General Enhancements/Additions


• Increased speed due to new math calculation routines
• Enhanced License server stability -> more backup servers lead to a higher reliability
• More DLLs added to the program folder in case they might not be included in a Windows Build
• FullForcing wind speed minimum is now 0.3 m/s to avoid user issues where simulation crashes due to low wind speeds
• Temperature values in atmosphere folder now contain NoData value inside of buildings to avoid misleading interpretations
• Outputs can be „safely“ saved on network folder -> model tries for 1 min, then simply skips
• Added a warning for potentially low disk space, depending on model area size
• Added sensible and latent heat flux to building output
• Greening and substrate variables are only written if existent anywhere in the model area -> saves time and disk space to write them only if necessary

Other Apps


• Updated the new API link for OpenTopography, it can now be imported again

Bugfixes / Changes

• SIMX tag about facade mode is now read correctly. It can now be changed to Monin-Obukhov
• Wind speed in front of facades is corrected
• Facade Greening is corrected
• FOX files created from EPW now feature correct precipitation values
• FOX files created from EPW now feature correct time for radiation data
• NetCDF now stores facade data of Y and Z correctly
• Increase stability for winter simulations, e.g. substrates cannot evaporate when temperature is below 0°C anymore

• 3D View errors solved

• PM2.5 and PM10 amounts were inverted when their portions were calculated in TrafficManager

• Miscellaneous errors solved

How to get the newest release:
If you have ENVI-met installed already, you can simply open the Headquarter to launch the automatic update process. Alternatively, you can download the new release from the technical documentation site .

Please note: In order to keep your registration settings, the new release needs to be installed in the same folder as the previous version.

If you are not an ENVI-met user already, have a look at our homepage and try our Lite version, which contains the most important tools for free. Start your first microclimate simulation right now!
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