ENVI-met UNI LAB Award 2022

With our strong commitment to raising awareness about climate change impacts amongst students worldwide, we have seen that youth-led action on climate change can have a very successful track record. Yet, many innovative ideas have not been seen and been listened to, so we would like to support their climate action to mitigate the worst effects of climate change.

With this, it’s our great pleasure to announce the launch of the new ENVI-met UNI LAB Award today. This new competition will highlight the efforts of extraordinary students measuring and demonstrating the impact of urban design strategies and nature-based solutions in addressing climate challenges and improving urban resilience in innovative ways.

The winners will be selected by an independent jury of the four outstanding international experts in the field of sustainable architecture Emanuele Naboni, Associate Professor at the University of Parma (Italy) and lecturer at KADK (Denmark), Paula Cadima, Programme Director at the Architectural Association (England), Marjolein Pijpers-van Esch, Assistant Professor and Academic Lead Climate Change Adaptation at TU Delft (Netherlands), and Caio Frederico E Silva, Professor and Scientific Coordinator at Universidade de Brasília (Brazil).

The new prize is open to students of all disciplines and of any university worldwide who have been enrolled as students within the 12 months before the submission deadline.

You can find the detailed competition information here: www.envi-met.com/uni-lab.