Mitigating Heat Risks with Outdoor Thermal Comfort Analysis

##heat #tehran #architecture #climatechange #thermalcomfort #simulation #vegetation #urbanplanning, #Climate change, #Heat stress, #heatwaves, #Thermal Comfort, #Urban Heat Island, #Urban Microclimate, #urban planning

Heatwaves pose significant threats beyond just crops or forests; human health is at serious risk. A recent study published in Nature Medicine on 10 July underscored this peril, estimating a staggering 61,672 heat-related deaths in Europe from 30 May to 4 September 2022. Germany alone reported 8,173 of these unfortunate fatalities. A simulation of the nighttime air temperature in Vienna at 22:00 during a summer evening clearly illustrated the disparity in temperatures between the cooling breeze from the Donau river and the stifling heat of the city’s dense areas.

So, why is it essential to analyze and simulate architectural drafts or urban planning concepts before they come to fruition? There are multiple reasons:

Promoting Human Comfort and Well-being: Understanding outdoor thermal comfort aids architects and urban planners in designing cities and public spaces conducive to human comfort. By evaluating solar radiation, wind patterns, and shading, they can craft environments that temper extreme heat, offering a more pleasant experience for pedestrians and residents.

Mitigating the Urban Heat Island Effect: Urban regions frequently exhibit this phenomenon where temperatures soar much higher than in surrounding rural zones. Causes include dense buildings, asphalt surfaces, and diminished vegetation. Recognizing areas of high thermal discomfort can guide city planners in adopting measures like urban greening, using reflective surfaces, or introducing shade structures.

Adapting to Rising Global Temperatures: With the mounting threat of heatwaves due to global warming, it’s imperative to comprehend heat stress risks and evolve with adaptive strategies. Solutions might encompass designing cool corridors, enhancing access to shaded areas, favoring reflective materials, and crafting spaces that promote natural ventilation.

Safeguarding Public Health: As highlighted earlier, excessive heat can lead to severe health implications. Monitoring outdoor thermal conditions enables authorities to issue heat advisories or warnings timely. This not only protects the general public but also ensures that outdoor events have the necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of attendees.